Couple’s attunement
Once Upon a time you fell in love, your partner could do no wrong, you laughed and had fun, your connection was unbreakable … & then you became parents.
The early years of parenting are tough. Oh who am I kidding - if you’re aware & sensitive - parenting at any age & stage can be tough at times.
The thing is - you deserve to enjoy life, you deserve to feel safe, supported & connected in your relationship … and your child deserves to grow in an atmosphere of love.
Your relationship is the foundation of your precious family - Our children FEEL everything. They FEEL when parents are connected and they feel when parents are disconnected.
No matter their age, our kids are tuned in. If there’s an elephant in the room - they’re well aware of it so we may as well stop ignoring it and get to know it.
In couples attunement sessions you’ll get to explore your individual attachment/ childhood history & figure out which aspect of your past is challenging your relationship today.
In a safe way I’ll put words to the unspoken & gently introduce you to the elephant in the room so you can BE in the present moment WITH your partner. I’ll help you receive what you missed out on as a child…
You’ll remember why you fell in love and at the same time you’ll get to meet each other again as strangers & fall in love with the updated versions of each other.
Couples Attunement is one of the most beautiful investments you can make for yourselves & your family.
No matter where you are currently at (in crisis or simply wanting a tune up) …Reach out today to make an appointment …
*Also beneficial for co-parents living separately.
Suggested sessions required:
3 hour attachment history & intention - together
90 minute healings - individual (if required)
Minimum 3x 90 minute couples therapy sessions - together.
“The desire to fix another is an active avoidance of the neglected self.
First heal thyself.”