Facilitated by Emma
“Nurturing your child’s true nature with the gift of presence.”
Attuned play for small groups of children aged 2.5 - 5 years.
Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Fridays. 9.30am - 2.30pm at Suffolk Park.
Casual school holiday sessions available for kids 3 - 6yrs.
Why choose “Kids Group” for your child?
You’re an aware parent who has perhaps made a conscious decision to parent a bit differently to how you were parented. You’ve no doubt cottoned on to the limitations of the “system.” You’re pioneering a new way forward for your family … and it would be nice to have some loving and empowering support along the way.
Nothing is more important than secure attachment with a primary caregiver in the early years of life. Outside of the primary relationship, attuned care with a “safe surrogacy of attachment” is gold. Forget about teaching young kids to write their name or expecting them to sit still for long periods of time. If you want to set your child up for optimal emotional & cognitive outcomes then have them experience attuned care as much as possible. Creating safe attachments literally helps wire a child’s brain - making learning possible.
Child centred, non-directive play is WAY more important than learning ABC’s at a young age. Play is a child’s language and toys are alternative words. A child will play out any “un-integrated” life experiences in an effort to “recreate, reorganise & rewrite” and if an attuned caregiver is present to put words to the unspoken - co regulation and integration can occur.
Every behaviour and every defence is there for a reason. I support parents to look beyond ‘behaviour’ to find the ‘need’ for it. I don’t believe in “stopping big behaviours” … Meet the underlying need with presence & compassion and the ‘behaviour’ becomes redundant.
Human’s are a part of nature, attuning with nature and the seasons allows us to remain connected (& attuned) with ourselves. Young children need to feel SAFE to explore in natural environments - which means they need a safe caregiver (secure attachment) to “return to.” Kids Group takes place in an outside, undercover area surrounded by lush, tropical garden… We also make the most of our back gate opening out onto our local community gardens, playing fields, playgrounds & green spaces!
Children need love & nurture. At Kids Group affection is welcomed & encouraged. If a child needs a comforting hug they get one. And if we feel love, we express it. I will never with-hold affection from a child because of societies fears. ALL kids deserve to experience love and safe affection.
As a Kids Group Facilitator, Emma brings 20+ years of good ol’ parenting ‘wisdom’ to the table, along with 20+ years of counselling, coaching, inner-child healing & family facilitation experience. Emma’s own “healing” journey has in recent years led to a fascination with modern attachment theory and the effects of early attachment on neurobiology/ mental health. Amongst other labels - Emma is a certified Humanistic Play Therapist & Senior Interplay practitioner - facilitating the experience of secure attachment for adults, parents & children, partners and families.
“Early childhood experiences (even pre-conception!!) shape a child’s mental, emotional & cognitive health… We know more than we ever have - it would be silly to ignore the facts. I am a BIG believer that today’s kids are leading parents to wholeness… Brave parents will heed the call. It’s absolutely possible to break the cycle of attachment wounds & intergenerational trauma. It didn't start with us but it can stop with our kids. Call me weird but I think it’s exciting… If we can practise attuning with today’s kids - maybe there’s hope for a more connected planet…” Em x
Emma values being present and providing a “safe container” for children to connect, play/explore & maintain their authenticity.
“I can say with conviction that there’s not many care options that can offer 5 hours of ATTUNED care giving in a session. There’s not many people that understand the immense importance. And… I’m not just here for your child, I’m here for you too - because you and your child are one.” Em x
“A child’s first 7 years creates a blueprint for the rest of their lives… I feel honoured & humbled that Kids Group has the potential to leave a heartfelt impression for your child to grow from.” Emma x
What makes Kids Group unique?
At Kids Group children feel safe & free to simply BE kids!
(This means there’s a fair chance they’ll get mud on their feet and paint on their clothes. They might get wet … or even get the odd scratch or scrape while they’re exploring the world around them.)
They will be given a safe space to grow into the truest version of themselves … free from indoctrination - with life as their biggest teacher.
I’m present to support children to experience and move through feelings and age appropriate milestones as needed.
AND … If it’s your child’s first experience in care I am here to lovingly support you and your child through this precious transition. (It’ll be easier than you think!)
TEstimonials (love notes)
My child is super sensitive and/or has behavioral issues can you help?
When it comes to sensitivity, “shyness” (or whatever label you want to put on a “tapped-in child”) Yes I can absolutely support you and your child to feel safe and confident in the space.
When it comes to general “mis-behavior” at Kids Group I work to meet the underlying, unmet need of the child in any given moment and if they’re unable to self-regulate I support them to co-regulate with me. (We feel through the challenge together and then we try again.)
In the case of more chronic behavioral issues (eg. reacting with violence) … I welcome you & your child with open arms to work with me 1:1 with facilitated Parent-child attunement sessions. (Hold off on Kids Group just for now… Let’s set your child up for a harmonious experience first.)
FYI- I realise that what plays out for your child at home will also play out for them at Kids Group. Through an “attunement/ early attachment lens” I see families operating as one nervous system and therefore believe in the power of parents doing their own inner child/ early attachment healing work. When a parent is willing to gain support to co-regulate and then self-regulate they can then offer co-regulation to their child.
Truth is … no amount of 1:1 support I offer a child can make a long term difference if I’m sending kids home to stressed/ anxious/ dysregulated or burnt out parents (ahhh hello modern world!) God damn parenting is tough at times hey!
Having said that - I REALLY want to support you as a parent to get off the merry-go-round so you and your child can actually ENJOY family time. FYI- The modern world has it wrong - It takes a village!
After 20 years of parenting, study & lived experience I know only too well that we can’t give to our children what we haven’t first received for our self. In 1:1 Attunement sessions, parents can have their own underlying, unmet needs compassionately witnessed and healed.
“Our own healing (ability to regulate our own nervous system when needed) is THE best thing we can offer our kids.”
Beyond 1:1 attunement sessions Emma also offers Play Therapy for parents and children to connect and attune with each other and heal any underlying early attachment issues.
Muz (Emma’s partner) also offers 1:1 Ocean and nature therapy for kids & NDIS clients.
“Kids Group has been such a blessing for our family. My son had pretty significant separation anxiety prior to starting Kids Group, he now begs me to go everyday! Emma provides a great combination of nurturing the kids so they feel safe & loved as well as fostering independence & growth. We could not be happier!”
Grateful mum of 4 year old.
“… We love Emma & what she has done for [our child] she has brought my little girl into a world of confidence & self belief. Finding Emma’s Kids Group was a godsend when we moved to Byron and we will miss it immensely! There were many tears last week for me especially because we cherish [our child’s] time with Emma so much.”
Grateful mum of 3 year old.
Memories …
The story of my love for kids has SO many eclectic chapters to it! … Including 8+ years facilitating holistic, volunteer holidays in Cambodia (pre ‘rona.)
This is a pic of me with some of the kids who used to live (& work) on the rubbish dump in Siem Reap. Our company “Head, Heart & Hand Holidays” built hygiene facilities and supported this particular playgroup project that allows day care for these beautiful kids while their parents are busy “working”/ foraging at the rubbish dump.
Over the years we have built hygiene facilities & provided hygiene education for thousands of children in Cambodia.
*Part proceeds of all Head, Heart & Hand Co services (inc KIDS GROUP) are contributed to our teams projects in Cambodia.